Top 7 Best Website Marketing Tips For Real Estate Agents
Real estate agents have been helping people buy or sell property for decades. With the internet, these hard-working individuals have so many tools that can help them seal deals. However, just having a website is not enough to sell houses these days. Real estate agents must utilize every online marketing opportunity available to be successful.
In this article, we will take a closer look at how different marketing strategies can enhance a real estate agent’s website and move more properties. Keep reading for our top online marketing tips for real estate agents in 2023.
1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
Now that you have your website, you need to get traffic to it. One of the most cost-effective digital marketing tools available is pay-per-click advertising. It is, as the term implies, you only pay whenever someone clicks on the link or banner that you use to funnel online users to your website.
When you put together your advertising tools, you get to “target” what audience you want to visit your website. For example, if you have a great starter home listed, you can tailor your ad to only be delivered to individuals who would be interested in such a property. You can even target the geographic location your PPC ad will run.
2. Work On Your Google Ranking
There are numerous ways to get Google, and other search engines, to find your website. To do this, search engines need to know what your website is about and who your target audience is. When they know this, they’ll show your website high in search results when people enter terms related to what you do.
One of the most effective ways to get search engines to feed traffic your way is to utilize SEO (search engine optimization) methods. The primary way real estate agents do this is via a keyword-optimized blog. When you blog consistently and do things like use proper keywords, meta tags, meta descriptions, photo descriptions, and much more, SEO will bring your website additional, targeted traffic.
3. Send Out Email Newsletters
Your website can (and should!) also be used to help you retain traffic and generate new leads. All you need to do is include a simple form on one of the web pages where visitors can subscribe to your regular newsletter. If you don’t have an email newsletter, now is the time to start producing one.
Remember, newsletters don’t have to be too large or cumbersome to attract leads. All you need is to include some monthly market information, maybe a few new listings, and contact details. Your website can also be promoted in the newsletter. Plus, by sharing market trends and real estate sales tips, you’ll be viewed as an authority on the topics you feature, which will help increase your potential client base.
4. Include Downloadable White Papers or eBooks
A white paper is an informational report on a subject that’s distributed to potential clients to showcase your industry expertise (and help clients solve a problem they have!). It’s also a very simple marketing strategy that not everyone taps into. Having a downloadable white paper or eBook on your website entices people to give their email to gain access to your valuable information (for free).
Once they’ve given their email, they get the freebie, and you get their contact details to send your newsletter to. This is a long-game strategy that helps you “nurture” potential leads over time. You can either create a white paper yourself or hire an expert to write one for you. Remember, you want to create an eBook that solves a problem your potential leads have or offers them valuable information.
For example, a white paper could include local real estate market trends and an eBook could be a new landlord’s guide to finding new tenants. Convert the document to a PDF document using a website like PDFSimpli and make it available for free on your website when clients enter their email addresses.
5. Market in Every Customer Communication
Each time you make contact with a customer, you should be promoting your website. Share your website in emails, instant messages, telephone calls, any posting you do online in all of your social media feeds, on your business cards, in signage on your vehicle, in the yard signs you put up in properties for sale, and in traditional advertising medium.
When you utilize all opportunities to market your website, you spread brand awareness and build web traffic. The more web traffic you have (and the more people that know about your brand), the more leads you’ll generate and the more listings you’ll get/sell. Plus, high web traffic can be a selling point to new clients, as it means their listings are getting seen by more people.
6. Cross-Promote in Feeds
There’s no better way to cross-promote your brand than by doing so with all of your social media feeds. If you don’t use more than Facebook and Twitter, it’s time to expand! It’s never too late to jump on the bandwagon and start trending your content in places where a good chunk of your desired demographic spends time online.
This means opening Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and other accounts so that you can cast a wider net and reach those people who don’t pay attention to email or newsletters. To gain access to as many potential clients as possible, you have to be accessible from whatever place they exist on the internet.
7. Do Some Old-School Promotion
Press releases are often associated with old-school marketing. That’s because a press release typically gets published in a newspaper. However, nowadays, press releases can be one of the underutilized marketing tips for real estate agents. Press releases are very popular pieces of content that news organizations, bloggers, and other industry-related websites hunger for.
This means there is a natural demand for these things. If you get good at issuing press releases, there will be content sites that will automatically publish whatever you send them. The key here is to ensure that your press release includes a short bio on you and features your website. This helps you to spread the word about your brand.
Final Thoughts
A website is an excellent tool to get the word out about your real estate business. It provides you with a cost-effective method of sharing listings and so much more.
However, you have to put some effort into promoting that site so that buyers and sellers see a benefit in using your services. This list of marketing tips for real estate agents offers just a few of the best ways to market your website. By focusing on these, you will increase the exposure of those listings and gain more listings as a result.
By reaching out to where potential clients are and giving them access to your online presence, you will build a solid reputation and increase your client base, which will translate to success for both you and those who choose to list with you. But it all starts with a website.
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About the Author: Marina Turea works as content manager at Digital Authority Partners, a San Diego-based digital marketing and website development agency.